March 14, 2025

The Warren County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) is investigating complaints involving the Front Royal-Warren County Airport lodged last week by Warren County resident Nicolas Chaillan. Sheriff Mark Butler confirmed Tuesday that his office has jurisdiction to investigate the claims under the Warren County’s fraud and waste abuse policy.

In a document sent to the Virginia State Police, Sheriff Mark Butler, County Administrator Ed Daley, County Public Works Director Mike Berry and Commonwealth’s Attorney John S. Bell, Chaillan, who began flying lessons at the airport late last year, alleges misuse of public funds, misuse of public property, retaliation for his reporting of information to the airport commission and breach of contract regarding the prepaid flight instructions he contracted with the airport.

Butler said the investigation is in the early stages, but the WCSO would reach out to other agencies if warranted.

County Administrator Ed Daley wrote in an email, Tuesday, “The individual has filed a complaint with the Sheriff. I am not permitted to comment until the Sheriff’s investigation is complete. “

Royal Examiner reached out to Airport Commission members W. Allen Edwards, Kenneth Roko and Paul Kosubinsky regarding the allegations but did not get a response.

In a Wednesday morning phone interview Rock Skowbo, airport manager, stated that the allegations were being investigated and that “Warren County has my full cooperation.”

Chaillan indicated Wednesday evening that he planned to address the Warren County Board of Supervisors at the upcoming meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 7 PM at the Warren County Government Center.

The Front Royal-Warren County Airport received a $780,000 grant late last year, as part of the bipartisan infrastructure deal signed into law. U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced last November that airports in Virginia are expected to receive $399,740,660 in federal funds over the next five years as a result of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

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