February 17, 2025

The Front Royal Soccer Association (FRSA) has named Matt Bradley, of the U10 Terminators, as Coach of the Season. “Bradley has coached several seasons and is always willing to step up for the kids to ensure they have playing time,” said FRSA President Church Reinhard.

U10 Terminators Coach Matt Bradley was named Coach of the Season. Courtesy photos.

Several factors go into a selection for the honor, including input from players and parents, via a survey, as well as FRSA board member input. Bradley, said Reinhard in a written release, had high marks for character and integrity, responsibility, sportsmanship, and excellence on the field.

At the June 4th Soccer Showcase event, the FRSA awarded $1000 scholarships to Warren County High School graduates Evie Blodgett and Anthony Carter. Blodgett will attend Shepherd University in the fall, studying nursing. Carter is headed to George Mason University and will major in computer science.

Scholar recipient Evie Blodgett will study nursing at Shepherd University in the fall.


Scholarship recipient Anthony Carter is headed to George Mason University to study computer science.

Winners of the soccer tournament include:

  • U10 – Fleas – Coach Ed Dawkins
  • U12 – Wolves – Coach Chuck Campbell
  • U14 – Knuckleheads – Coach Lee Pearson
  • U19 – Lightning – Coach Chris Gobie

For youth wishing to improve their soccer skills over the summer, an upcoming camp is scheduled each Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. between June 14th and August 4th at the soccerplex.

Additionally, attendees can participate in two Saturday scrimmages, slated for June 25th and July 30th, from 9-11 a.m.

Reinhard said the summer camp will focus on skills such as movements to beat opponents, cuts, and turns, receiving techniques, shooting, and finishing, among other skills. He said each participant should see improvement in his/her abilities and skills.

More information about our camp can be found on our FRSA Summer Camp page found here: https://www.frontroyalsoccer.com/content/1436/Summer-Camp

Registration for the camp will remain open until June 26th, which is two weeks after the first camp session. The cost of the camp is $250.

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