January 22, 2025

Without a media release nor acting following a Tuesday-night closed session presumably to discuss the status of Councilman Joseph McFadden, the Front Royal Town Council posted on the municipal website Wednesday afternoon that it is “accepting resumes from citizens who are interested in serving on the Town Council to fill a vacancy that is currently open due to the resignation of Councilman Joseph McFadden on August 8, 2022.”

The council went into a closed meeting Tuesday evening, following a joint meeting with the Front Royal Planning Commission, for “the discussion, consideration, assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining or resignation of specific public officers, appointees, or employees of any public body, specifically Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Clerk of Council pursuant to §2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia.”

Tina Presley, clerk or council, confirmed today that no action was taken following the closed session.

Joe McFadden’s request to rescind his abrupt resignation from council apparently fell on deaf ears, as the council has posted a notice seeking candidates fill his seat.

McFadden made a dramatic exit from last week’s meeting, stating that he was resigning after former town manager Steven Hicks was terminated by the panel at that August 8 work session, though he expressed regret to Royal Examiner’s Roger Bianchini in an August 13 telephone interview.

McFadden stated that he presented a letter to Town Hall on August 12, asking the mayor and council to rescind his resignation as it had not been properly submitted by Robert’s Rules of Order.

“It looks like I can withdraw my ‘motion’ to resign … with no acknowledgment by the chair or vote by the members (to accept his resignation) does my motion to resign die on the floor?” McFadden asked of Robert’s Rules of Order guidelines presented to him following his verbal resignation in reaction to the Hicks’ termination.


The notice on the town website states, that “if appointed, the term would end upon the oath being administered by the candidate elected at a Special Election TBD. The candidate elected during the Special Election will serve the rest of Mr. McFadden’s term which is December 31, 2024.

To be eligible for appointment to the Town Council, candidates must reside in Front Royal, must be a registered voter, and have been a resident of Virginia for one year immediately preceding their appointment.”

Interested parties are asked to submit a resume and cover letter by September 6, 2022, at 4:30 P.M.

Royal Examiner reached out to McFadden, the mayor and vice-mayor, as well as interim town attorney George Sonnet Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday morning, Mayor Holloway stated the following, via email, “Mr. McFadden, during the meeting, stood up in front of everyone and the camera and stated he resigned. He then walked over to our IT Director and turned in his iPad and walked out. Four days later he decided to change his mind and wanted to return to Council.

Mr. McFadden had stated previously to members of Council that he hadn’t brought anything to Council since being elected and was just keeping the seat warm. He had also announced he was going to run for Mayor, then changed his mind about doing that.

Being a member of Council, there are times when tough decisions have to be made and we all won’t agree or vote the same, but at the end of the meeting we respect each other and move on.

There were times when the vote didn’t go Mr. McFadden’s way, and he would leave and take to social media criticizing other members about their vote. That’s his right, but, to me it’s very unprofessional.

I really don’t think Mr. Fadden knows what he wants to do, but to me and others we know what we’re going to do, and that’s move on from this and get back to work for the citizens of Front Royal.”

Vice-Mayor Lori Cockrell also responded Thursday morning, by email.  She stated that she had previously shared her opinion with Royal Examiner’s Roger Bianchini, and her position remained unchanged.  “I still believe that the best way to resolve the matter of whether or not a vacancy currently exists on the Front Royal Town Council, is to request an Attorney General’s opinion before moving forward,” she replied.

Neither McFadden nor Sonnett responded.  McFadden told Royal Examiner last week that he would not seek court action to retain his seat.

Click here to watch the Special Town Council Work Session of August 16, 2022.

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