October 18, 2024

In this final segment of the Front Royal Police Department’s initial interview with then-EDA Executive Director Jennifer McDonald, Lead Investigator Landin Waller and Investigator Crystal Cline continue questioning the subject regarding whom she thinks may have committed the reported break-in at the EDA office on Kendrick Lane.

McDonald has, so far, mentioned a string of citizens—and a Royal Examiner editor—whom she feels might be responsible for the alleged breaking and entering that was called into the police department.

While talking to Investigator Waller, McDonald shared with him that she received a text message from this reporter regarding a person I spotted whom I thought was following me and had been harassing the both of us. What she failed to disclose to Waller was that I had also provided her with a vehicle description and license plate number, and she had texted me back that the same vehicle had been in the EDA parking lot earlier the same day.

Investigator Waller, however, already knew about McDonald’s texts claiming the vehicle had been in the EDA parking lot. When he came to the Royal Examiner office to ask me to identify a photograph of the man I had seen previously, (who turned out to be a local man, and not the harasser) I showed Waller the text I had sent McDonald, genuinely concerned for her safety, and the text she had sent back to me working on the assumption the described vehicle was being driven by a known harasser and stating that the same vehicle had been in the EDA parking lot earlier the same day. The local man who physically resembled the person who had been harassing both McDonald and Royal Examiner staff had no reason to be in the EDA parking lot that, or any other day. Viewers can see Waller develop a rapport with McDonald, gaining her trust, as she continues to play the victim and spin a story intending to incriminate this reporter among others for deeds not done.

Before the interview ends, viewers will see McDonald throw out the names of Town Councilwoman Bébhinn Egger, former Town Councilmen Shae Parker and Tom Conkey, former Mayor Stan Brooks, former Town Manager Michael Graham, local businessman John Costello, EDA Board member Ron Llewellyn, Royal Examiner editor Norma Jean Shaw and reporter Roger Bianchini as persons of interest. She also suggests to investigators that she be allowed to sit in on an interview with someone whom she has named as a suspect, something that she is told is not typical procedure.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBbhGswU8sc[/embedyt]

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