March 14, 2025

FRONT ROYAL – The Warren County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control division is warning area residents after a Monday evening call for an injured husky turned out to be a coyote.

A media release from Sheriff Daniel T. McEathron states that officers responded to an area of Church Street around 7:00 p.m. for reports of an injured dog, that apparently had been struck by a vehicle. Upon arriving at the location, officers determined that the injured animal was a coyote. The animal was unable to walk and was euthanized at the scene.

The release states that the appearance of a coyote in Town is unusual, but cautions residents to be alert when children and pets are outside. If anyone comes in contact with wildlife, do not approach the animal or try to handle it. Coyote are dangerous animals, particularly when injured or cornered, according to the release. Anyone spotting coyotes in Town limits should call Warren County Animal Control at 540-635-4128.

Warren County offers hunters a $50 bounty for each coyote killed, as the species is considered a nuisance.  While hunting with a firearm is illegal  within Town limits, archery hunting is permitted, according to Town of Front Royal code.

According to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fishery, (VDGIF) this species is primarily nocturnal, meaning they come out mostly at night; however just seeing them during the day is not a sign of rabies. They are commonly seen during the day in urban and suburban areas and are usually attracted there by a food source or an easily accessed area to make a den such as under porches/decks, crawl spaces or out-buildings. The best way to prevent them from becoming a problem is to not give them a reason to come.

Tips for keeping coyotes away from your property

  • If you are feeding wildlife, stop. This will cause them to lose their natural fear of humans.
  • Keep trash inside until the morning of trash pick-up or place trash in an animal proof container, such as a metal trashcan with latches on the lids.
  • Do not leave pet food outside; keep pet feeding areas clean.
  • Remove bird feeders when problem species have been seen around them.
  • Close up all openings under and into your buildings. Animals look for places to den and raise their young – don’t give them that opportunity.
  • Clear fallen fruit from around trees.
  • Keep brushy areas in your yard cut down to prevent cover for coyotes.
  • Keep small pets inside and on a leash when outside; they may be viewed by a coyote as prey. Larger dogs are viewed as a threat particularly from January to June while mating and birthing pups.
  • Pass along this information to your neighbors. If anyone in the neighborhood is feeding wildlife directly, or indirectly, it can cause trouble for everybody.
  • Install coyote proof fencing to protect unsupervised pets.
  • It is illegal in the State of Virginia to trap and relocate an animal to another area.
  • Contact your local health department if animal exhibits signs of rabies such as stumbling, foaming at the mouth or aggression.

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